Building Maintenance Excellence BME LLC

Building Maintenance Excellence BME LLC


Janitorial Services

About Us

Building Maintenance Excellence is an Environmental Cleaning Company with over 25 years of experience. We specialize in Environmental Parking Garage Cleaning, and a variety of environmental cleaning services.

At Building Maintenance Excellence, our team has reshaped the landscape of eco-friendly power washing services in the Bay Area.

The focus on competitive pricing and exceptional customer service has been central to our strategy, culminating in a robust client network. My dedication to building and nurturing customer relations is key to sustaining the high-caliber services that set us apart in the industry.


Building Maintenance Excellence
Pressure Washing Kaiser Center
Oil and Water Separator
M30 EC H20
Hydro Tek Trailer Recycling System
Parking Garage Cleaning

Rep/Contact Info

Robert Ortiz
  • Phone: (650) 274-9585