General Construction
Mission, Vision, Values
The mission of the State Building and Construction Trades Council of California is to “improve the health, jobs, safety and economic conditions of the members of its affiliates, and all working men, women, and minors in the construction industry,” and the council has taken that mission to heart since its founding in 1901.
As the California affiliate of North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU), the California Building Trades has 157 affiliated unions from 14 different construction craft unions, 22 local building trades councils, and about 125 affiliated Joint Apprenticeship Training Committees (JATCs) that are responsible for training apprentices and providing journeyman upgrade training throughout the state.
Working with our affiliates and local councils, we look for every angle to build a better quality of life for Building Trades workers and their families—at the ballot box, in the Legislature, city halls, the courts, and wherever else our fight for our rights, our voice, our jobs, our wages and benefits, and our safe working conditions takes us.