Contra Costa Senior Legal Services

Contra Costa Senior Legal Services


Non-Profit Organization

About Us

The mission of CCSLS is to protect the rights of seniors. By providing legal services, the organization is also able to mediate poverty and improve health outcomes for the population it serves.

Since 1976, CCSLS has been serving the senior citizens of Contra Costa County in various ways. Our highly trained attorneys work to help clients with problems such as eviction, elder abuse, and helping seniors avoid debt.

In addition to providing free legal aid to over 1,000 clients every year, we also host trainings and legal service clinics throughout the country.

Contra Costa Senior Legal Services is proud to partner with other organizations, including the Elder Abuse Prevention Project, to support the elderly in the community and help fight injustice towards seniors. We are grateful for our volunteers and donors who make our work possible.

Our website offers a wide variety of resources for seniors and their family members, covering topics including but not limited to: COVID-19, Health and Economic Stability, Housing, and Consumer Protection.

Visit the Contra Costa Senior Legal Services website to learn more about what we do and how you can get involved.

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