Educational Services
If you are new to Mt. Diablo Adult Education, I hope you discover the many educational opportunities we provide. We pride ourselves on providing high quality, student friendly classes and programs designed to help community members reach their personal, educational and career goals. Our instructors are experienced in working with adults and understand what it takes to make the decision to ''go back to school'' to:
◾Brush up on and advance skills in basic math, reading, writing
◾Earn a high school diploma or GED,
◾Develop and strengthen English reading, writing and speaking skills,
◾Become more knowledgeable about effective parenting
◾Earn a Certificate in a Career Training Program and get a job!
◾Improve computer skills
◾Pursue a personal interest in the arts, crafts, personal finance, cooking, etc.
◾Support physical health through exercise
◾Turn 'disabilities' into 'capabilities'.
This website is designed to give you insight to the Mt. Diablo Adult Education community of learners. Contact information is listed throughout for the various departments and they are happy to help you learn more about their various offerings. Mt. Diablo Adult Education also partners with many other local agencies so our staff is a wealth of information about other community resources. I hope you find what you are looking for and will join us!