Home ImprovementConstruction
Quality First is not just our name, it’s our motto and our mission. Quality First Home Improvement Inc. is a name that can be trusted to take care of all your exterior home improvement needs. We provide on-going training to our sales staff, to make certain they are knowledgeable, and up to date on our products and industry. We only use highly experienced installation technicians that are specialized in their field of expertise, so you can be assured that your job is done right the first time! A Project Manager is assigned to oversee every aspect of your job. This allows the home owner to deal with one person on a personal basis, eliminating any confusion. When you buy from us, you will be getting top of the line products, with the best warranties in the industry. With little exception, you will be buying products that are Made in USA. Additionally, our company carries a full line of Green and Energy Star rated products and is doing its share to help make the world a greener place. Take the time to look and see what we have to offer, and we are sure you will agree, buying from Quality First is the right decision. - See more at: http://qualityfirsthome.com/AboutUs.aspx#sthash.areMzYqW.dpuf