Non-Profit Organization
Monday - Friday
8:30am to 4:30pm
SHELTER, Inc. is an independent, charitable, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1986 to alleviate Contra Costa County's homeless crisis. The mission of SHELTER, Inc. is to prevent and end homelessness for low-income residents of Contra Costa County by providing resources that lead to self-sufficiency.
SHELTER, Inc.’s work encompasses three main elements:
Preventing Homelessness: Prevent the onset of homelessness through rental assistance, case management, and housing counseling services.
Ending the Cycle of Homelessness: Provide 3 to 24 months of housing in combination with supportive services such as job training, educational services and counseling.
Providing Affordable Housing: Provide housing for nearly 250 low-income households, including such special needs groups as transition-age youth, people with HIV/AIDS and those with mental health disabilities.